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Roma, December 3rd 2024 Caserma dei Carabinieri "Salvo D'Acquisto" - Saloni di Rappresentanza Download presentation

The conference

The 1st edition of the International Conference dedicated to the Space and Underwater domains, promoted and organized by Cybersecurity Italia newspaper, will take place on December 3rd.
S&UW is one of the events organized by Cybersecurity Italia.

How to participate

S&UW is a closed-door event. The conference will be held in the presence of a select audience and will also be live-streamed.

With the patronage of

Main Partner

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December 3, 2024 - Caserma dei Carabinieri "Salvo D'Acquisto"
The event will start in

Thematic Tables

  1. How to strengthen cybersecurity in Space
  2. Space economy, opportunities for Innovation and economic development
  3. The role of Satellite: anti digital divide technology and more
  4. Will commercial and military satellites be subject to “space wars” by hostile countries?
  5. The underwater domain: regulation and economics
  6. Establishment of the Undersea Dimension Agency
  7. Up to 99% of the world’s data flows are carried by submarine cables. How can they be made more cyber secure?
  8. AI-Cyber-War: defense and response in partnership between strategic Aerospace, Defense and intelligence companies
  9. The potential of 6G with a view to its arrival in 2030
  10. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Space & Underwater